Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's been awhile since we've blogged.  Lately we've been guilty of not bringing our camera with us, so as a result, I've inserted some clipart below where we should have, but didn't, take a picture.

Last weekend, Kim was in Vancouver for a conference and stayed with us for a few nights.  She had just flown in from Singapore and was glad to be back in Canada.  I showed her our kickass front yard (i.e. Kits Beach), we took a walk to Granville Island, and Kim cooked Sara and me a delicious dinner and dessert (mmm pie-ish graham cracker custard goodness).

The same weekend, we met up with Val (from Ottawa too) who we hadn't seen for a couple years.  She met us at our place and we walked with her (and best friend Edith, and Heather) to Granville Island (twice in one day - but luckily there's always more to see at Granville Island).

We didn't get up to anything too exciting for May 2-4 Weekend.  We went to my coworker's daughter's 1 yr birthday party at Trout Lake (in Vancouver). She is one cute kid, 1 year seems like a pretty great age.

On Sunday (tonight), we took an evening walk around our beautiful neighbourhood.  Picked up a chocolate milkshake at Triple-O's, and walked along Kits Beach and saw a totem pole, a seal-looking animal in the water, and a big blue heron perched on the rocks at the edge of the beach. We slowly walked closer to the heron and got within 10 feet of it, watched it for awhile, and left.