Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Baking bread

Quick update here. I just finished reading the book "The Cure for Death by Lightning" by Gail Anderson-Dargatz. (I've been doing a lot of reading these days). For those of you that haven't read this book, it includes a lot of recipes and remedies, including a cure for death by lightning. And it was really impressive and foreign for me to read about how the family in the book lives mainly off of ingredients grown right on their farm. At age 15, the main character has so much responsibility for keeping the home and farm running and more or less everything they eat was cooked/baked by her or her mom.

So...I decided to try baking some bread. I have made bread once before, while camping in Alaska. We had a break day, so I took the time to bake some bread from scratch - I did that another day and made some cinnamon rolls from scratch too... But I'd never baked bread in an oven, in "normal" circumstances before. I found a great recipe online, and on an evening Rob was actually home early from school, we bought the ingredients I didn't already have (I usually keep yeast in the house...), and I baked some bread.

It was a mix of regular and whole wheat flour. And it was quite the hit. Really delicious if I do say so myself. I can understand why some people are such proponents of fresh, homemade bread! We'll have to try it again sometime, and maybe experiment with some different varieties. We'll let you know about any future bread adventures :)


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