Monday, October 12, 2009

Giving thanks for a relaxing weekend

Our first Thanksgiving in Vancouver ! Here's a recap of our Thanksgiving long weekend.

On Friday, work ended early and I was home by 2pm. Sara and I took a walk to find food for Sunday's dinner - we found a 10 lbs (small) free-range turkey, pre-stuffed at The Meat Market on Fourth Ave near our house.
Saturday we took our bikes out to UBC. We tried loading our bikes on to the public bus - it was pretty easy, although the driver had to explain to us how it worked. Now we know, three easy steps: lower bike rack at front of bus, lift bike onto rack, lock in bike with yellow securing mechanism. We explored the campus, checking out the botanical gardens, buildings, Wreck Beach (beautiful ocean view!! but no one warned me about all the stairs! It was like Grouse Grind all over again), and the rose garden where we watched a marriage proposal take place. For dinner, we went over to our Vancouver mom's place (who's just become a grandma) for some delicious take-out Indian food.

Sunday we went to the gym in the morning, did some chores, and then started cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. Well, Sara did most of the cooking. She prepared a delicious (and impressively complete) Thanksgiving dinner - turkey, stuffing, peas, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, gravy, dinner rolls, salad. Sara's former work colleague joined us and brought the wine and pumpkin pie. Good food, good company. We finished off Sunday by taking a night time walk around Kits Point (our neighbourhood) admiring the beautiful (ginormous) houses, and view of the water.

Besides going to the gym, today (Monday) has been a big lounging day. We spent an hour and a half in Starbucks sipping drinks and reading, and otherwise just hanging around the house. That's our weekend!


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