Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pitch and Putt

This weekend, Sara and I didn't have many chores on the list (the way all weekends should be). So Saturday morning we had the luxury of deciding what we wanted to do with our day. First, we went to the library where Sara took out some books. Next, we went to Starbucks for an hour and a half (a regular place for us to spend time relaxing) - Sara started one of her books and I read the paper. Then home for lunch - grilled cheese and lentil soup.

After lunch, we biked to Stanley Park from our house for the first time. It was a pleasant ride - Vancouver is very bike friendly. There's about 5 minutes from our house to Burrard St bridge where we need to cycle on the road (which I hate!) but the ride across the bridge and to the park is all along scenic bike paths. The ride took us about 25 minutes.

At Stanley Park, we locked our bikes up outside Pitch and Putt. It's like golf, just smaller. There are 18 holes, each one between 50 and 100 yards long. We each rented one putter and one wedge, and each bought a ball and tee and off we went. Actually, we had to wait a while in line on the first hole, but after that we'd only wait a few minutes at each hole while the people in front of us finished up. And there was a nice mother and son that were behind us that we chatted with throughout the holes as well. After some adjustments during the initial holes, we both were able to tee off quite well and sink a lot of single/double bogies. You can see Sara's professional swinging position in the pic below-left and her ball in flight in the pic below-right. The "hole" game turned out to be a lot of fun.


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